Monday 22 April 2019

Opinion Poll Says- Boycott of FCI golden jubilee celebrations was a historical blunder

Dear Comrades., Majority of the FCI Employees expressed their opinion that boycott of FCI golden jubilee celebrations was a historical blunder. Nothing have achieved as part of FCI golden jubilee boycott in 2014. Instead such boycott has collapsed our organisation. It has created a bad image in public about our organisation. In 2019 The same leadership again compelled many category III&IV Employees to boycott IR. Unfortunately some of them became part of their illogical campaign. At the same time many employees got wage revision interim relief (IR) with arrears because of our right direction. Senior employees got approx 50,000 as arrears and others got 25000 approx as arrears and 10 % of basic pay added to their current salary. It also came to notice that non unionised category II officers who are drawn their revised salary with arrears for the sake of their union politics threatened many category Iii & Iv Employees to boycott IR. The leadership of BKNK Sangh was compelled and written to the union Minister that the majority of their members are decided to boycott golden jubilee Celebrations of Food Corporation of India during 2014. Further it was proved that the decision of their leadership was illogical.  
These one trade one union leaders Un democratic approach towards trade unions and underground dealings with management collapsed our organisation as well as the future of FCI Employees.
Since these retired and non unionised leaders being in power we cannot achieve best benefits for category III &Iv Employees. Therefore we request the young employees utilize the upcoming trade union election to cast their vote for a change. Already management started issuing ID card if any body don't have FCI ID card apply for it at the earliest. Your vote is for your future. Remember it.
Since these retired and non unionised leaders being in power we cannot achieve best benefits for category III &Iv Employees. Therefore we request the young employees utilize the upcoming trade union election to cast their vote for a change. Already management started issuing ID card if any body don't have FCI ID card apply for it at the earliest. Your vote is for your future. Remember it.

Since these retired and non unionised leaders being in power we cannot achieve best benefits for category III &Iv Employees. Therefore we request the young employees utilize the upcoming trade union election to cast their vote for a change. Already management started issuing ID card if any body don't have FCI ID card apply for it at the earliest. Your vote is for your future. Remember it.

Since these retired and non unionized leaders being in power we cannot achieve best benefits for category III &Iv Employees. Therefore we request the young employees utilize the upcoming trade union election to cast their vote for a change. Already management started issuing ID card if any body don't have FCI ID card apply for it at the earliest. Your vote is for your future. Remember it.